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form Design Classics Series

Verlag form releases new edition of the form Design Classics Series “Clic System by Burkhardt Leitner Modular Spaces” at this year’s international Frankfurt Book Fair (16 to 20 October 2019). From the press release;

"Design classics manifest the essence of their time, they stand for styledefining elements, innovative use of materials, and high standards of aesthetics and function. They accompany our everyday life over generations. Since 1997, the form Design Classics Series has portrayed many icons of design history. Today, it is being continued with a new design concept by form publishing, Frankfurt/Main, published by Barbara Glasner." form Design Classic

“Clic System by Burkhardt Leitner Modular Spaces”
Publisher: Barbara Glasner, Verlag form
soft cover, 14,8 x 20 cm. 48 pages


temporary architecture

The worldwide network of independent planning, sales and services partners is tightly knit. They are getting to know one another through partner days, joint trade show appearances and training activities – the aim of which is, by building up trust, to be able to fulfill complex customer needs all over the world through short channels and with professionalism. The projects shown inside this book would not have come about without them. This is why we regard this monograph first and foremost as an insight into the creative achievements and the sector and country-specific approaches to design of our partner network. This book would like to invite you to come and discover our partners’ favorite places, favorite music, and follow up their insider tips.


videos provided for you to see, to share and to download

temporary architecture

For fifty years now, Burkhardt Leitner has consistently continued the tradition of Bauhaus and Ulm School - not by preserving it epigonally but by developing it offensively. His modular architectural systems, honored with numerous design prizes, were and still are bound to a morally, socially, and economically legitimate function aesthetics. And these have been around for a long time, (ever) present in exhibitions, trade fairs, offices and public spaces. The book gives insights into the way in which the designer thinks and feels in a series of biographical sketches and essays by friends and business associates from around the world. The book brings Burkhardt Leitner to life as a person, tireless man of action, designer, entrepreneur, committed patron of design and art. But also for the very first time in public – as an artist.

Available here.
With the motto “Metamorphoses” we introduced no less than three new design
With the motto “Metamorphoses” we introduced no less than three new design