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Formvollendet Prof. Martin Hess - Dusseldorf
Design: FB2 students of the FH Düsseldorf, Prof. Andreas Uebele
System: clic 
Location & Date: Dusseldorf
Size: 180m2

The exhibition "formvollendet" ("perfect in form") shows the collection of aesthetic, mathematically defined forms of Prof. Martin Hess.

The exhibition has been designed by FB2 students of the FH Düsseldorf supervised by Prof. Andreas Uebele. "formvollendet" was supported by burkhardt leitner modular spaces with the architectural system clic and by our sales partner Klartext Grafik Messe Event GmbH in Willich.

By means of pictures, drawings and descriptions wonderful, precisely definable forms are displayed at the exhibition. The structure and regularities, which form the basis of these forms can be recognised. Surprising links between geometrical forms and forms of nature are revealed.