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BMVBS - Berlin
Design: Designbuero Michael Huebner
System: pila petite pon clic 
Location & Date: Berlin
Size: 650m2

The German Federal Ministry of Transport, Construction and Urban Development presented its road safety campaign for the first time.

The slogan “Reduce speed” had to be prominent and visible throughout the hall. At the same time, the advertisements for the campaign had to be presented with public appeal and opportunities for discussions and contact had to be provided as well as space for the driving simulators and various test arrangements on security-related topics of the four stand partners.


Furthermore, a connection between the two areas of 300 and 350m² had to be created. Even from a distance this connection made visible that the trade fair stand was one whole. By using the systems pila petite, Flying Ceiling, pila mini, pon and clic these tasks were easily manageable.