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Weltmuseum Wien visiting the Europark Salzburg

Weltmuseum Wien visiting the Europark Salzburg
Weltmuseum Wien visiting the Europark Salzburg

The clic system has been part of the "Museum in a Nutshell" pop-up concept since 2018. The design of this temporary exhibition at the Weltmuseum Wien was expanded with the clic round system. Due to its circular construction, the system offers even more design and planning options. As part of the pop-up concept developed for the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, the Weltmuseum Wien made a guest appearance in one of Austria's largest shopping malls - the Europark Salzburg. On average, more than 10 million visitors stream through 130 shops here every year. The Weltmuseum Wien provides insights into its collections and art treasures.


Project: Museum in a Nutshel – clic round
Customer: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Design: Südstudio, Stuttgart. Hannes Bierkamper, Clemens Hartmann (graphics)
System: clic round
Photos: Wildbild

Weltmuseum Wien visiting the Europark Salzburg
Weltmuseum Wien visiting the Europark Salzburg