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Stuttgart: after work event > 30 Years

Stuttgart: after work event > 30 Years

As part of the 30 years Blickfang Design Days in Stuttgart, we invite you to wine & design: Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, 5 to 8 p.m. Showroom burkhardt leitner, Olgastrasse 138, 70180 Stuttgart


Also burkhardt leitner started 30 years ago with the architectural systems for trade fairs, exhibitions, museums, offices and public spaces. Another reason to toast.


In addition, the EuroShop Düsseldorf was just closed four days ago, it is the international trade fair for system manufacturers, shop fitters and more. We are happy to tell you about this international trade fair, which only takes place every three years. Sustainability first, definitely with the architectural systems from burkhardt leitner modular spaces.


We look forward to your visit.


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