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pon media is a connector rod system with a magnetic connection.


Tension textiles up to 2.5 m axis measurement can be used with its more stable three-way cross-section where backlit presentations are also possible. pon media can work with the pon system in an integrated manner and can be combined with the products and accessories such as connectors and diagonals. The new three-way profile is provided with double and single grooves, so that textile coverings can be mounted either next to each other or at an angle of 90 degrees. Larger architecture forms are possible with the new smart design for greater flexibility in the use of space and graphic elements.

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Projects with pon media
Design Center Baden-Württemberg hosted the exhibition "THANK YOU BURKHARDT, Burkhardt Leitner’s 50 Years in Design"
“THANK YOU BURKHARDT” Exhibition at EuroShop 2017
Panasonic - Ankara
102 m2